Pork Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Pork Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Recently, I posted about lettuce wraps.  Now I’m posting about cabbage wraps.  (Just as good, with a little more work.)  If you made last night’s slow-cooked pork roast- you are well on your way!

Pork Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

For stuffing:

1 lbs of cooked pork roast, shredded into small pieces

1 head of green cabbage, outer leaves discarded

6 slices of caraway bread

2 eggs

1 cup of chicken broth

3 green onions, white and light green portions, thinly sliced

1 Tbsp of salt

1 tsp of pepper

For sauce:

1 yellow onion, chopped

3 celery stalks, chopped

1 carrot, chopped

1 can (28 oz.) crushed tomatoes

Begin by removing the core from the cabbage and placing it in a pot of boiling water to cook for 15 minutes.  Remove and set aside to cool.  When it is cool, gently peel off the outer leaves.  Continue as long as you can peel the cabbage leaves without breaking.  You should be able to get about 10-12 leaves, depending on the size of the cabbage.

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.  Place sliced bread in a single layer on a cookie sheet.  Bake for 10 minutes until the bread begins to toast.  Remove and cut into cubes to be used as breadcrumbs.

In a large bowl, combine, pork, bread crumbs, egg, broth, green onions, salt and pepper. Using your hands, gently but thoroughly blend the ingredients. Divide the pork filling among the cabbage leaves. Fold the core end of each leaf over the filling, then fold in the sides and roll up the leaf. Set aside.

For the sauce, add the oil, onion, celery and carrot to the pot.  Cook over medium heat until the vegetables are tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in the tomatoes

Place the cabbage rolls, seam sides down, in a single layer in the pan, spooning some of the tomato sauce over the rolls, while reserving the rest for serving.  Cover, transfer to the oven and bake until the cabbage rolls are heated through, about 30 minutes.

Transfer the cabbage rolls to warmed bowls. Ladle the tomato sauce over the top.