Chicken Risotto with Truffle Oil

Chicken Risotto with Truffle Oil

If you made my recipe for Roasted Chicken and my recipe for Homemade Chicken Stock, you are well on your way to a fabulous dinner tonight… Chicken Risotto with Truffle Oil


2 cups of risotto

1 cup of shredded chicken

2 Tbsp of butter

1 Tbsp of olive oil

3 green onions, sliced

1 tsp of salt

1 tsp of thyme

3 tsp of garlic, minced

4 cups of chicken stock

1 cup of parmesan cheese

1 Tbsp of white truffle oil

In a large saucepan, melt butter over medium heat.  Add olive oil, green onions, salt, thyme and garlic.  Cook 3 minutes.

Add risotto.  Stir until combined and cook another 3 minutes.  Add one cup of chicken stock.  Continuously stir until all liquid is absorbed.  Add a second cup of chicken stock.  Continuously stir until all liquid is absorbed.  Repeat process two more times until all four cups of stock is absorbed.  (You will notice that the risotto has doubled in volume and become creamy.) 

Stir in chicken.  Add parmesan.  Cook 3 minutes.  Serve.