Grilled Caesar Salad

Grilled Caesar Salad

If you love Caesar Salad but thought it was too much work to make at home, I promise you it is easy.  You should have all the items already stocked in your kitchen.

To step it up to the “wow” level, try grilling your romaine for a few minutes.  It adds a smokey flavor and allows the dressing to melt into each leaf.

1 clove of garlic, crushed

1 tsp of kosher salt

1 anchovy

1 Tbsp of dijon mustard

2 Tbsp of lemon juice

1 egg yolk

1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp of good olive oil

1/4 cup of parmesan cheese

2 hearts of Romaine Lettuce, sliced lengthwise

Preheat grill to medium heat. 

On a cutting board, take one peeled large clove of garlic and with the side of the knife blade, pound the clove with the heel of your hand.  This should crush the clove, yet still leave it in one flattened piece..

Add garlic and a sprinkle of about 1 teaspoon of kosher salt to a blender.  Add mustard and egg yolk.  Blend.  Add the anchovy filet and half of the oil.  Blend.  Add parmesan cheese and the rest of the oil.  Blend until creamy.

Brush the hearts of romain lettuce with olive oil.  Grill for just a few minutes or until grill marks show on the outside of the leaves.  Remove from heat and let cool.

Cut the romaine lettuce into 2 inch slices and add the bowl of dressing.  Toss and serve.